Wednesday, January 5, 2011

On a Positive Note...

I feel pretty confident in saying I'm not a "fake" person. I'm not going to act like your friend when I'm not. I'm not going to be someone who I don't feel is really "me" just to make you more comfortable. If that makes me come off as an overdramatic attention whore than so be it.

I've noticed I only tend to share the negative aspects of my life on the internet. Anyone who knows me IRL or on any level deeper than my Facebook statuses knows that I'm not that miserable of a person.

I enjoy watching Dexter and baking cupcakes. I play Rockband. I spend a decent portion of my day on Neopets, and if I knew where my DS was, I would be playing Pokemon. I'm not sick all the time, but to write "I feel great today" on a status just seems boring. Maybe writing "I think my head is going to explode" every other day seems a bit over the top, but I guess I just share things online that aren't normal in my everyday life. My everyday life is pretty boring.

I wake up, eat some leftovers and make Krystal breakfast. I check Facebook, see what's going on in Neopia, and basically do nothing. I bring out some toys for her to play with, and try my best not to let her make to much of a mess. If you saw my living room, you would realize that I fail at this every day. We play for a bit, and when I get tired we watch some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. My parents usually come home about this time, and we talk for a few minutes before they go to their part of the house. Then me and Krystal just lounge, play, watch TV, and snack the rest of the day. It's pretty routine and pretty damn boring.

I guess in an attempt to make myself more "normal" on the internet, I should write about the normal, boring, regular things that happen in my life.

Did you know I was pregnant? If not, I don't blame you, I rarely ever talk about it. Nothing is really going on. Just boring old normalness until up to a few days ago. And even the non-normalness I feel bad writing about because I feel like I'm complaining. And I know how annoying it can be when someone complains about every little thing in their pregnancy. But this is a time to be cautious. If you feel unsure about something, you should probably ask someone about it. At least your mind will be put to ease. I just have trouble with that because I feel like I'm over-reacting. As usual.

Well I'm pretty sure this post was all over the place so I'm just going to wrap it up before I ramble your faces off.


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