Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do You Believe in the Paranormal? (repost from old blog)

Aliens. Ghosts. Bigfoot. Nessie.

All things that can't be explained, and can barely be proven.

Ever since I was little, I've believed in the paranormal. I've believed in the paranormal since before I knew what ghosts were. I remember sitting in my room as a child and having this "light" keep me company. It's kind of hard to remember, it was at least 16 years ago. Ever since then I've always had experiences with things I can't quite explain.

2nd Grade - Ohio
I'm not entirely sure I was in second grade. I think it may have even been first. I just remember we were either visiting or living here for awhile. We were at my grandfather's house, and it was the middle of the night. I was little, and had to go to the bathroom. I walked across the hallway and proceeded to do my business while leaving the door open. I could do that. I was little and it was the middle of the night. Anyhow, as I was sitting there I noticed a very tall, very skinny, white human shaped figure in the doorway. It just stood there and stared at me, before turning to its left and proceeding to walk into the wall. Freaky.

5th Grade - Ohio
I began having dreams that would happen exactly as I had seen them, only a few days later. I remember one particular moment, where I had seen my entire school dance about 3 days before it happened. I heard every song, saw everyone's costumes (it was a Halloween dance) and heard every conversation, before it even happened. I remember thinking it was odd, but not remembering why exactly everything felt so familiar, until they threw candy all over the place. I picked some up, and some other kid pushed me down and took it. My only friend, Danny, helped me up and offered me some of his candy. He had 5 pieces, and offered me two. I already knew what I was going to take of course. I took the vanilla tootsie roll and a dum dum. And that's when I remembered that I already knew all of this was going to happen.

6th Grade - Hawaii
Most of my paranormal experiences really started happening here. I began reading a lot into the paranormal and the occult. I started researching about my past experiences, and realized that I'm not exactly crazy. These things do happen. This was also about the time my porcelain doll started freaking me out. It would literally move in the dark. You could barely see it, just the shadowy outline of it's features, but you could see its face change and distort into all these horribly creepy and almost demonic looking expressions. It's creepy little fingers would move into a creepy little fist. It's hard to explain unless you actually see it, and also hard to believe it actually happened unless you see it.

8th Grade - Hawaii
This is the real turning point in the paranormal for me. I'm only going to describe a few experiences I had, because I'm already getting bored of writing and want to write as much as I can before I fall asleep. The most memorable one was while I was sitting at the end of the street looking at the woods. As I was sitting there, these two creatures came out of the woods. I don't think that creatures is even a good enough word for what I saw. They weren't creatures, and they're almost impossible to explain. They had a shape, but they didn't have a shape. They were about a foot tall probably. They had a face, and you could see it, but you really couldn't. They seem to get more blurry the more I try to remember what they look like, but I know they were real. I even asked my friend who saw them also, and he was able to tell me the same thing I remembered. The other interesting experience I had was when I saw my friend sitting under a tree. I was going to go say hi, but he looked deep in thought and I figured I'd leave him alone. I went inside for a few minutes and came back outside. He was gone. I decided to sit on the swing in the park and just enjoy being outside for awhile. About 20 minutes later, my friend comes home. I ask him what he was doing under the tree, he said he hasn't been home all day. He's also told me I'm not the only one of his friends to see him when he wasn't really there.

9th Grade - Louisiana
Not a whole lot of paranormal things have happened in awhile, until I get into meditation and astral projection. I had been trying to learn how to astral project for a few years at this point, and had given up completely. Then one night I'm lying in bed and the entire room starts to shake. I can't move. The room is shaking so violently I feel like it's about to collapse on top of me. The vibrations get worse and I hear radio static blaring in my head. It starts going through all the stations at a million miles an hour. I close my eyes, at this point I'm totally terrified. Finally I open my eyes and realize even though I'm laying straight I'm less than an inch away from my top bunk (I had a bunk bed, and slept on the bottom). I of course, freak the fuck out, and in less then a second I'm back on the bed and everything is normal again. No clue what happened there.

10th Grade - Louisiana
I'm not sure if it was really 10th or 11th grade. Whatever year Katrina hit, that's when this next thing happened. Shortly after Katrina, Hurricane Rita hit. We were in a trailer, and went on post to stay in the barracks because the storm was so bad. We got two rooms, one for my mother, sister, and dog, and one for me. We had no electricity, and it was so cold and humid. I went to bed one night and something woke me up in the middle of the night. I got out of bed, walked around, stretched, and went back to bed. Only problem was, I couldn't go back to bed, because I was already there. I remember looking at myself, all wrapped up in the blankets up to my neck. I again freaked the fuck out. I tried to wake myself up, but I couldn't. Had I died? Why couldn't I wake up? Why couldn't I get back in? I remember feeling the humidity in the room. I remember how my socks got wet as I was running around screaming at myself to wake up. I don't know how I got back, but I do know that is probably the most terrifying moment in my life to date. Even scarier than the Satanic porcelain doll.

Recently - Ohio
I've only had the occasional unexplainable experience in this house. The first time was when I was laying in bed trying to get to sleep and someone whispered "Hello" into my ear. I could literally feel their breath on my ear. Not only was it a voice I didn't recognize, but there was no one in the room with me.
Part 2 Ohio. In the past month I've done two EVP's while using a Ouija board. I know, you'd think I would know better than to use a Ouija board, but I didn't. The first one you can hear very clearly a man saying "Hello" as I apologize for saying his name wrong. The second one is much freakier. It starts with my friend taunting the ghost like an idiot. I ask him to apologize, I believe his words were "I ain't apologizing to no retarded ass nigga ghost". Shortly after that you hear a man whisper "Hey", and then a hissing, almost barking noise. Not barking like a dog, but like a person kind of making a growling barking noise. It's incredibly creepy, and I'm still angry at him for pissing off that ghost. Since then, Krystal's toys have been going off by themselves and moving around the room, and yesterday something hit the shower curtain from the outside while I was taking a shower. I really don't have the money for the materials to bless my house, but if things start getting out of control, I may have to buy some stuff.

So that's my story. What are your opinions? Am I crazy? Have you ever had any experiences you can't quite explain?


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