1. Load the Dishwasher Properly
There are many, many things that annoy me about how people load the dishwasher at my house. So, I will list them all, so there are no questions.
Problem 1. |
Alrighty, so that above is a basic dishwasher. Ours has two racks, one at the bottom, of course, and then one on top, above the upper spray arm. Here's the deal. The two spray arms are responsible for getting your dishes clean. The water pressure builds up in the arms and causes them to spin.
How is that a problem? Well, this is a two part problem, because there are two arms. For some reason, people don't understand that when you load the dishwasher you have to keep things out of the way of the arms. This means no spatulas hanging from the bottom rack, and nothing too tall on the top rack. If you have either of these going on, your dishes are not going to get clean. It is pointless. And could be completely avoided by loading the dishwasher properly.
Problem 2. |
If you're confused about where to put your dishes, look at the holding spoke thingys in the rack. They're meant to hold certain dishes. That's why they aren't all the same length or shape. Some are meant to hold plates, others bowls, and then cups. It's simple, really. Don't know why everyone has such a difficult time with it.
Problem 3.
Problem 3 does not have a picture. It doesn't need one. This is probably the most annoying dishwasher issue I have to deal with in my house. People have no problem putting their dishes in the dishwasher in my house. But for whatever reason, they never start it. There have been times when I can't find dishes for a day or so, and I check the dishwasher. The dishwasher is full. There is soap in the soap dispenser holder. There isn't even any room for more dishes to go. It's just sitting there full of dirty dishes, ready to clean. I can understand if you have a lot of room left, that you would want to wait for it to be full, but why oh why do you fill it, get it ready to be washed, and let it sit? And this is a regular thing in my house. Drives me f*cking insane!
2. Don't Vacuum Up Things That Aren't Meant To Be Vacuumed
As of today, we have 9 vacuums in this house. No, that is not a typo. 9 vacuums. One more than 8 and one less than 10. Why do we have so many? Because no one in my house seems to know how to properly run a vacuum cleaner. It's not that hard. They're designed to pick the dust and dirt out of carpets and floors. They're not designed to pick up pens, shoes, blankets, coins, socks, bottoms of curtains, etc. And if you happen to run over one of these things on accident, do not continue using the vacuum. That smell of burning plastic? Not a good thing. I was so tired of having to have my father dissect and fix the vacuum every time I needed to pick up crackers off the floor, that I went out and bought my own that no one is allowed to use other than me. Now the only thing that I have to deal with is the smell of burning plastic whenever someone uses another vacuum. Still pretty annoying though.
3. Don't Put Food in the Sink
I would post a picture of this, but I won't. This is another problem that we have in the house. We do not have a garbage disposal in the sink. Any food that is put into the sink will stay there until someone scoops it out with their hands. The way dishes get done around here, that's about every other day or so. The way people eat around here, that adds up to a lot of crumbs and nasty stuff in the sink. And it's not like you can just scoop it out, either. People are always running water in the sink, resulting in a giant mushy blob of old nasty food. You know what happens in the summer when it's hot and you leave that nasty stuff in there? Let's just say it's not pretty:
(I was going to post a picture here of maggots but the Google search was so nauseating I gave up the search *gag*)
4. Don't Act Like I'm Stupid
(not me) |
Contrary to popular belief, I am actually pretty smart. I do tend to go off on wild rants sometimes, which I know you're probably just rolling your eyes at thinking, "There goes Robin again, out of her mind and being dumb..." But like I said, I'm a pretty intelligent person. I'd also like to think I'm fairly realistic in the way I think and also pretty logical. Do I act it all the time? Most definitely not. But when you sit there and talk to me like I have no idea what you're talking about or that I can't understand simple things like how to do laundry, well, it makes me want to punch you in the face. And the last thing I want to do after you lecture me like I'm 5 is actually do whatever you've been trying to tell me to do. I'm stubborn like that.
5. Do Not Lie to Me
It's not that easy to lie to me... |
Although this is towards the end of my "rules", this is one of the most important. This actually ties in directly to the above rule. It's not that easy to lie to me. I don't know why people feel the need to try. Unfortunately it happens a lot. People lie straight to my face. I guess they really do think I'm stupid enough to believe their bullshit. I should call people out more, but instead I just let it go, because if I were to call out everyone every time they lied to me everyone would think I'm just a bitch.
As with every post, there's always more, but I'm getting too tired to type anymore.
I do "problem 3" all the time because I can't stand dirty dishes in the sink. It's just gross to me. But I run the dishwasher every night when we go to bed so it's not sitting there for more than a few hours. I also can't stand food in the sink, I would go insane without a garbage disposal.
Wait a minute ... you're not stupid?
That is correct. I know there was some confusion there ;)
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