Thursday, July 7, 2011

Life as a Mommy

Being a mommy is not an easy job. Being a mommy to two is even harder. Here is an inside look to my new life as mommy to two:

  • You no longer have time for regular showers. Most of my showers consist of a change of clothes, some Suave professionals Dry Shampoo, a spritz of perfume, and some deodorant. All of this is done in the two minutes I have to slip away to the bathroom.
  • You don't sit down to eat. You don't even make meals for yourself. You grab whatever you can find within arms reach and shove it in your mouth as you're hurrying to make breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack for baby #1
  • Accept the mess. When you're holding and feeding an infant, baby #1 is bound to do something destructive, whether it be spilling her snack on the floor, ripping up her coloring books, taking all the batteries out of the remotes, or even, breaking her arm.
  • The only "me" time you're going to get is going to be those few hours of silence between approximately midnight and 2am, when the infant wakes up. You can either take this time to try to get some sleep, or you can just sit there and enjoy the silence. Your choice.
  • There is no such thing as sleep anymore. Between the two kids, someone will be up at every hour. The only sleep you'll be getting is the few minutes you can contain #1's destructiveness and #2 is not in need of anything. Do not think that night time means sleep. You'll be extremely disappointed.
  • Do realize though, that as hard as it is, being a mommy is the most amazing rewarding experience in the entire world, and there is nothing I would trade it for. <3


Brandi said...

Lol yep. I've discovered this in the last month lol I couldn't imagine doing this with 2 babies and no help lol You really are SuperWoman, love :)

Devin said...

Yep. Welcome to life with 2!

Anonymous said...

Was this before or after you had an affair with Keith Thomas Fleming? Or was it the whole time? Hmmmmm probably the whole time huh?? You're such a two faced bitch robin

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