Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh How Times Have Changed...

It wasn't long ago that life was completely different than it is now.

I lived in Louisiana, and my days consisted of going to work, coming home, smoking pot, and passing out on the couch because I really had nothing better going for me and I didn't really care. Other activities I enjoyed included stealing and playing video games (Ok, so the video game part still stands). I didn't have any cable, and the only DVDs I had were a few seasons of House which I watched over, and over, and over again. I can now officially be a doctor, I watched them so many times.

Now, 3 years later, it's hard to believe I ever lived that life. Instead of getting excited about going out and smoking, I'm excited about going to the craft store to buy yarn and make fuzzy little creatures for myself. I have a 2 year old, and a little boy on the way. I'm married. It's crazy! If you would have told me back then that this is the life I would be living in a few years, I would have laughed in your face, and possibly told you to go off yourself, depending on what mood I was in.

Luckily, I don't miss my old life at all. Well, maybe a bit. I liked being able to watch House for hours and hours with no interruptions. I also miss living in my own space and having the option of if I wanted to get dressed after my shower. Can't exactly run around in a towel all day at your parents house in a towel. *sigh*

Besides my habits and living arrangements, even more has changed. Over the years and through the distance I've been able to see where exactly I stand in my friends lives. Some friends have been there like I never even left. Some have gotten stronger. Some I only talk to every 3 or 4 months. And some I don't talk to much, but know that they're true friends and would be there for me no matter what.

Hmm... well I guess change is just part of life.

Time to get breakfast for the kiddo and finish my crocheting! :D


Brandi :) said...

hmmmm.... you make me wanna learn how to make fuzzy little creatures just to hide them for Nathaniel to find...
and i dunno which category of friend i fall into lol i know i get distant sometimes :/

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